1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the rails.social moderators.

  1. Be nice. There is enough hate in this world and this community doesn't need any of that. We love others and should respect one another. We don't have much time in this life, so let's use our time to lift others up instead of tearing them down.
  2. No pornography or nudity, or something that would be considered "NSFW" in a workplace, even behind a NSFW warning. In particular, no sexual depictions of children.
  3. No bots. We are humans here.
  4. No gore or graphic violence.
  5. No discrimination of any kind. Any kind of insults or hate will not be tolerated. See Rule 1.
  6. No stalking or harassment of any kind
  7. No fake accounts. We are a great community and there isn't a need to hide under a fake account.
  8. No excessive promotion. Spamming the site with a "deal" doesn't benefit anyone. Feel free to share your content, but don't be annoying.